Desiring silence

Profound silence is not something we fall into casually. This may indeed happen, and a blessed happening it is, but normally we choose to set aside a time and place to enter spiritual quietness. (Those who never do this, or shrink from it, run a very grave risk of remaining half-fulfilled as humans.)

My Rule of Life

“My surprise!” one of our girls cried when she came into the kitchen. She held 25 cm of her hair in her hand, which was obviously not connected to her head anymore, The soup was at boiling point and even I became speechless for a few minutes. After that we did have a little conversation about the usefulness of communication.

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“Mijn kerstverrassing,” riep één van onze dochters blij, terwijl ze met 25 cm. van haar haarvlecht in haar hand (nee, niet vast aan haar hoofd) de keuken in kwam lopen. De soep stond op kookpunt en zelfs ik viel even stil. Daarna volgde toch wel een tafelgesprekje over het nut van communiceren, waarbij Jelle langs zijn neus weg zei dat het heel strategisch kan zijn om te overleggen.

At the end of 2017

One final post at the end of the year, time to look back at the year behind us. We made a review that we would like to share with you: 2017: Year Review 2017 was a…

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